The past few months have been a powerful time of seeing the Lord strengthening my faith, drawing me deeper into Him, and seeing that what I thought was faith in Christ before was but a fake glimmer of truly walking with Him. I would even say I have fallen in love with Christ for the first time - though certainly not the last - realizing that I - like everyone else - truly am a lost sinner without ANY hope for salvation OR sanctification apart from Him. He is more precious and sweet to me every day, and yet I still have SO far to go in knowing His grace and extending it to my loved ones. But this intensely spiritual time has made Easter all the more special to me this year. To "know that my Redeemer lives" gives us reason to hope against hope, to have faith in things unseen, to know that God is so good and powerful and mighty to save us in a world that is full of sin, including in our own hearts. I am learning that there is nothing more incredible in the entire world than faith in Christ's saving grace and knowing his love at a HEART level. Truly EXPERIENCING love. I have just begun to know Him and still have so much to grow in my relationship with Christ but I am really excited about what He is doing!
We had a beautiful Easter Sunday - here are some pics!