Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7-8 Months in Pictures

Trapped under the coffee table and REALLY MAD about it!

Uncle Justin and Aunt Tiffany came to visit - they are expecting their own little one in Jan!

Uncle John stopped by to say hello...AG loved playing with him!
I think Amy Grace looks JUST LIKE Brent in this picture!
Crawling around with Kate Edgerton (13 months) on the 4th of July:

Going to town on a bowl of water on the floor...

She may not "sit" yet, but I think she's got a wider base than her teeny tiny baby butt here:

More water bowl...

If Amy Grace had a Facebook profile, this would be her picture:

Good morning, Mommy!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Love the pictures!! She's just too dang cute!