Thursday, May 1, 2008

Our Almost-12 Week Appt

Last Monday was our "almost-12 week appt" - by my count I was 11.5 weeks, though the doctors add a few more days to that. I don't really care about the due date, because the likelihood of Nublet being born on either Nov 7th or Nov 11th is pretty low anyway. But, I think Nov. 7th is more accurate than the 11th anyway, and it put us a few days closer to that all important 12-week mark, when you can breathe a little easier and stop wondering if either a) having too many symptoms or b) having too few symptoms is a sign that something has gone wrong.

In any case, the appointment went very well! A nurse had told me over the phone that they would try to listen to the heartbeat via Dopper, and if they couldn't find it, they would send me down the hall for another ultrasound. It sounds slightly evil to be hoping they couldn't find the heartbeat via Doppler so we could see the baby as more than the 7-week blur we had a picture of, but so it was. But it didn't matter - the doc didn't even attempt to hear the heartbeat since I wasn't yet 12 weeks (by either of our counts!) and did a quick in-office ultrasound. Nublet looked grand - and was very, very active! The doc said that was a great sign and that Nublet looked very healthy. What a relief! After that, I finally gave in and told work and Facebook (lol, everyone knows that Facebook is the TRUE announcement of any news). We go back for the next appt the last week of May, and find out the sex sometime in mid-June.

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