Friday, August 15, 2008

28 weeks...

Time just continues to roll on past! I am still feeling great and am so thankful for that.

Not much to report, other than that we have a baby doc appt on Wednesday. They will be checking my blood glucose level to screen for gestational diabetes. It's kind of a big test because if you fail it then you have to take a 3-hour test, which I hear is not only really unpleasant, but also can label you with gestational diabetes ~ which also means they'll be on the watch for the baby being "too big" or whatever (and all the more likely to push an induction/c-section). If I have it I have it, but I seriously doubt that I do. I know what it feels like to have blood sugar swings and I have adjusted how I eat (lots of protein, frequent small meals) so that this basically never happens anymore. So, I'm pretty confident going into the test. Not sure what else they do at this appointment, but I think we may start going every 2 weeks after this one. Time will really fly then!

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