Friday, May 9, 2008

14 Weeks!

Today is the end of 14 weeks - so I'm officially in the 2nd trimester. Some books say 12 weeks is the end, some say 14, then some don't specify how they're counting, so that gets confusing. (Plus you would think if you divide 9 months by 3, you get 3 months = 12 weeks?) But the very latest anyone says it is is 14 weeks, so by anybody's count it's bye-bye to the 1st tri. (Haha I made a rhyme!) This is supposed to be the "golden trimester", when you are feeling energetic, "cutely" pregnant, feel good, yay! The 1st trimester was pretty easy for me - such a blessing - but I can already tell that I feel better in general. If anything, I think my moods are leveling out, which is definitely good news in the Shepherd household. It is not much fun to have your mind and emotions (or your wife's mind, I'd imagine) held hostage by zany pregnancy hormones. Brent has been absolutely wonderful in supporting me through all the craziness, though!

Cravings may have started -- yesterday I really wanted to dip peanut butter Nekot crackers in hot chocolate for an afternoon snack. Unfortunately the snack machine only had regular peanut butter crackers, which was not quite the same, but still yummy. I also had sampled some Van Kaas gouda at Bruno's the other day and thought it was the best thing ever. I ate like 5 cubes of samples! So it was still on my mind last night, so I stopped by Bruno's to get some rosemary and olive oil triscuits and gouda (not easy :)) cheese. The Van Kaas was just calling out to me. Sooooooooo yummy, and somewhat healthier than chips and cheese dip from Moe's, which was another option I was I want some more gouda....


Katen said...

I think Rosemary and Olive oil Triscuits and Gouda should be the pregnancy announcement ritual.. or a ritual for any other time. That actually sounds delicious. Let's get that tradition started ASAP :)

Kristen said...

That DOES sound delish! Actually, I might have to go pick some up when we get back to O-town...:)

Kristen said...

OH and this is belated, but I think the 14-week 'theory' is due to the fact that pregnancy technically begins on the first date of your LMP, but you usually conceive approximately 2 weeks after that date...therefore, the embryo wasn't actually fertilized until 2 weeks in.