In only a month and a half (give or take a bit :), Nublette will be here! Amazing. Time is flying and dragging all at the same time...but there's starting to be a sense of urgency since she could basically come anytime between now and then. I've started to think along the lines of "ok, if I went into labor TOMORROW, what would need to be done?" So I worked on the nursery a bit last weekend (mostly just organizing and washing the clothes and blankets we've gotten so far) and also started packing my hospital bag. It's fun to actually be close enough to the time that you can start preparing things for real.
I've also started conversations at work about who will handle what while I'm gone, what we need to make sure gets done, et cetera. We've being doing our hard-core planning for the Holidays package, and it's a little disconcerting to think "wow, I won't actually be programming ANY of this!" Once again, I feel sooooooooo blessed to work in an environment that's so supportive of mothers and family. Everyone is just excited for me, rather than making me fear for my job or something.
Seems like my tummy is just getting bigger and bigger, though frankly I'm not as big as I guess I expected to be - at least at this point. But everything is measuring on track so we're good to go. We've got another baby class on Tuesday night and another appointment on Wednesday, so baby stuff galore again this week.
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