Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Cannot Wait...

To eat a ham and cheese sandwich again! And have a glass of wine. (Maybe even together, even though that doesn't really sound appealing). And of course to meet our baby too! But as I was making my PB&J sandwich this morning to take to work for lunch, I couldn't help but cast a covetous eye at Brent's fresh package of honey-smoked turkey. Mmmm :) Ham sandwiches were a staple of my workday diet back when I was on Weight Watchers, and I'm really looking forward to having them again! Relaxing with a nice glass of wine or margarita will be great too. Not being able to have these things really hasn't been bad at all (at least not once I got used to it), but I sure will enjoy them after Nublette's born!

Speaking of food - I have actually been craving fresh veggies lately. Now THAT is weird for me! So much so that I had a nice salad yesterday to go with my PB&J sandwich (which I'd already eaten before 10 am, hah!), and then got some celery (WHAT?) and baby carrots at the store. Had some baby carrots and Ranch dressing for a snack today and it was pure heaven. Figured I'd better take advantage of this while it lasts, since my cravings are usually more chocolate-oriented than baby carrots :). I've also been more interested in red meat than usual. My sweet husband grilled cheeseburgers on Friday night and a nice sirloin last night, and both were delicious!

1 comment:

Charlene said...

Em, you look smokin' in that photo. Best wishes for the impending delivery!