Monday, July 21, 2008

Dragon Strikes Again...

Lately we've taken to calling the ever-amusing Star (our 4-year-old English lab) "Dragon." Now, Star has a number of personality quirks that make her the loveable Star-Baby that she is today, but she's definitely a unique dog. One of her defining characteristics is her snorting and snoring, which tend to get worse when she's excited or otherwise trying to express herself. At time she actually sounds like a little pig! While the allergies have gottten a lot better since we got her on a better diet and some supplements (mmm, fish oil!), Star still snorts. It's really only a problem in the mornings, when she will snore if she's still asleep, or snort/growl at Bojangles when he wakes up and wants to play, but she hasn't had her morning coffee yet. Combine this snorting with the sound of their nails scratching on the polyster dog bed, licking, and scratching so violently that they bang the closet door, and you've got a very noisy bedroom once the alarms go off and the dogs wake up. It's pretty hilarious (once we're awake enough to appreciate the moment).

Besides being her own percussion set, Star is known for her stealth food burglaries. She's smart enough not to beg for human food, but waits for the "opportune moment" to make her move -- and always manages Houdini-like maneuvers that seem far beyond the capabilities of any normal dog. For instance, at Brent's bachelor party at the farm, she snuck into the kitchen at night and devoured an entire plate of brownies that had been sitting on the table. She didn't get sick, but Brent did wake up at 5 am to Star-Baby staring at him with a crazed look in her eye. While we were at the beach, she somehow got the remains of a fish filet out of the kitchen trash can (easily taller than she is) without disturbing anything else. That time we did catch her with the fish skin guiltily hanging from her mouth.

Dragon's latest crime involved at least half a bag of White Cheddar Cheetos. Some friends (and their dog) joined us for dinner last weekend, and while we were all inside eating, we left the dogs on the porch and thought they were all behaving quite nicely. Little did we know that all the while, Star was plotting her next food-napping. After dinner we discovered that all of the Cheetos were gone, and the bag had been ripped open! The situation had Star-Baby written all over it (nothing was knocked over), but we couldn't be sure -- until one of our friends discovered the black dog hair stuck all inside the bag. (The other dogs were yellowish). Brent asked for a replacement bag this week, and needless to say, we're keeping it safe inside our kitchen cabinets this time!

1 comment:

full chroma said...

That girl is so sneaky! If she could have only disposed of the evidence she would have been off the hook! Hilarious.